Privacy Policy

ZETTA DIGITAL MEDIA respects your ability to make informed choices about the collection and uses of your personal information through this website. This privacy policy tells you about our online collection and services of data that identify you personally to make an informed choice about using this site. The terms of this policy apply to the ZETTA DIGITAL MEDIA website and other sites, which ZETTA DIGITAL MEDIA may specify in this policy unless different terms are specified in an online or other form or contract provided to you.

Information Collected From This Website:
On some occasions, we may ask you to provide information on online forms. For example, we may ask for your full name, telephone number, email address, and postal address, or other information we need to contact you. If you choose not to, however, we may not be able to contact you. Providing information on online forms is always voluntary, and you are free not to complete any Online forms.

How We Use Your Information:
ZETTA DIGITAL MEDIA uses your information for contact purposes only. We do not distribute your information in any way, shape, or form to any other person or organization outside of ZETTA DIGITAL MEDIA. Your contact information may be stored in our database for an indefinite period for contact purposes only.

Reviewing, Updating, or Correcting Your Information:
Suppose you would like to review or revise information you previously provided to ZETTA DIGITAL MEDIA on an Online form or believe that what we currently have on record is incorrect. In that case, you may request to update your information by sending an email.

Links to Other Websites:
The sites to which we link, including but not limited to the areas of affiliates and third-party content providers, may have different privacy policies and practices from those disclosed here. We assume no responsibility for the policies or practices of linked sites and encourage you to become acquainted with them.

Changes to This Online Privacy Policy:
We reserve the right to change the terms of this privacy policy at any time but will not do so without posting the revised policy on this website. We encourage you to review this privacy policy whenever you visit our website to understand how we use the information we collect.